Posts categorized under: Smart Home

Shitty LED Lights Mod

Before Christmas, I needed a battery case for a last-minute present. Much to my surprise, I had nothing fitting in my big box of parts. So, I went to the overpriced decorative crap store and bought one of those ultra-cheap led lights. Except this one wasn’t cheap. Likely 2x …

Ikea Sensor

Here is how it now looks like, ‘AA’ type battery for scale:

Ikea has this surprisingly cheap, somewhat accurate and quite living-room-compatible sensor called VINDRIKTNING. In its current state, it displays the particulate matter concentration in a traffic light style display. Of course, lots of people started to pry it …

Ikea Sensor ESPHome Code

Yaml code for the Ikea Sensor, copy (and edit) here:

  name: multisensor
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp_wroom_02

  - ssid: "WlanGoesHere"
    password: "YouWish123"
  - ssid: "AnotherWLAN"
    password: "topsecret"    

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Sensor Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "Nope, not for you"
captive …