Posts categorized under: Drone Flight Logs

Sixth Flight

Äcktshually the second flight in 2022, I was just to lazy to write two articles. Nice weather. Here’s a short clip:

Main takeaways:

  • With everything screwed in place and properly set up, stabilization is rock solid. It feels like flying on rails. On one flight, I broke the …

Fifth Flight

  • After the crash in flight number 4, I replaced the whole backbone with a more durable spruce bar, which brought the weight up quite a bit. Despite this, it now flies way more stable.
  • The new wifi setup is a lot better. It feels way more responsive, and I had …

Fourth Flight

The first flight with the new motor, and the first one I can call a flight without quotation marks!

Sadly, the video recording bugged out again. For the last flight, I switched to just recording the laptop screen, but then the video transmission died. I guess fate doesn’t want …

Third ‘Flight’

I glued everything together, it seems to work so far. I also moved back the CG and tuned the PWM frequency and max value. I didn’t measure it, but I think I’m around 3-4 A at 5 V, which really is the limit for, well, pretty much everything …

Second ‘Flight’

Slightly warmer, almost no wind. This time with the barometer. Still no flying. Here, have a pretty sunset instead. Same configuration as the first flight.

Anyway, a negative result is a result as well. At least I have a reason to go outside in these weird times.

  • Talked to a …

First ‘Flight’

Around 4°C, a little bit of wind. This flight was done without the barometer, using the simple sensor fusion module. This was the oldest configuration.

  • Did not fly. Not even close.
  • I have a feeling that there is just not enough thrust.
  • It, ahem, landed without anything important breaking …