Second ‘Flight’

Slightly warmer, almost no wind. This time with the barometer. Still no flying. Here, have a pretty sunset instead. Same configuration as the first flight.

Anyway, a negative result is a result as well. At least I have a reason to go outside in these weird times.

  • Talked to a random cyclist who used to fly RC planes himself. Some really nice advice.
  • I think at this point, I can’t deny that the motor is too weak any more.
  • I’ll try to increase the maximum PWM value. I’m stretching the limits of the electronics here, but at least it will have a lot of cooling air flow :)
  • Maybe I could move the center of gravity back.
  • I also broke a part of the backbone in a crash, but I hope I can just glue it back on. Maybe I should reinforce that part, balsa wood is weaker than I thought.