Sixth Flight

Äcktshually the second flight in 2022, I was just to lazy to write two articles. Nice weather. Here’s a short clip:

Main takeaways:

  • With everything screwed in place and properly set up, stabilization is rock solid. It feels like flying on rails. On one flight, I broke the tail fin and did not even notice it.
  • Tried a GPS (‘SIM28’). It can’t get / hold a fix. No idea why, maybe interference with the motor? Sucks.
  • Tried new wifi transmitter on drone side (generic RTL8812AU I found for cheap). Better, but I feel like I need to tweak its position. Drops in the video, likely from bad position and highly directional antenna.
  • Wing now has carbon backbone and additional strengthening. Now everything else will break first.
  • With all the strengthening, weight is now quite high (~500-600g?). It flies okay, but it does not want to climb. I have a feeling that the angle of attack of the wing is too low.
  • With the high weight, I think I will need a landing gear. To be investigated.